This is a favorite recipe handed down from my Oma, who used to make this for the deli. She used elbow macaroni. I have altered her methods to decrease...
This salad is our favorite quick meal when its just the two of us. Add bread to complete the meal. It's easy to substitute ingredients; try precooked shrimp...
A cool seafood salad for those hot summer days. It's a real treat for potlucks. Use your favorite pasta. Chopped celery or Vidalia onion may be added if...
This is a refreshing, light dish that can be used as a main protein for a summer meal or as an appetizer for a dinner with guests. If you have trouble...
A zesty, cold shrimp dish that is perfect for brunch, appetizer or meal! One bite will transport you to that island getaway and you'll be looking for a...
Refreshing take on a traditional caprese salad. If you don't have a ring mold cut into squares or triangles instead. The key is flat watermelon pieces...
This is a variation of one of my favorites, cold whole grains, raw vegetables, feta, olives, and balsamic vinegar. This is a simple dish that is healthy...
This is my combination of 'Thai Yam Som-O' and a marinated-shrimp and coconut salad I had at Bellagio's. If pomelo is available in your area, use it in...
The start of summer means lighter meals, and ceviche is delicious, and quick to prepare. This is great served on a bed of lettuce or in a martini glass,...
This is a seafood caprese salad for special occasions, such as Christmas eve in Italy when we have one fish course after the other! It is made up of caramelized...
This is a homemade recipe that I made after trying to duplicate it from a restaurant I visited. I didn't see a recipe similar to it on Allrecipes so I...
My mom threw this together for a family gathering one year at the last minute, and it is now the single most requested dish at every
Fresh summer fruit, tasty shrimp, creamy avocado, and crisp baby romaine lettuces make this a light but filling main dish salad. Serve with a French baguette...
The best of summer's veggies blended with savory tiny shrimp and turmeric. Simple and satisfying. Great for dinner parties, potlucks, and shindigs. Serve...
Shrimp and lots of yummy vegetables are roasted with chili powder and lime juice, and then tossed with lettuce and a chili-lime vinaigrette in this zesty...
A delicious light salad, with a touch of that flavorful Japanese Miso Soup in the salad dressing. My favorite. You can substitute the shrimp with tofu,...
I had this dish at a wedding banquet and it was very good. The sweet lychee nicely compliments the apples and shrimp. I have also tried this dish with...
Shrimp salad, refreshing and light, served in a hollowed-out summer tomato. Served as an appetizer, salad, or a light brunch. This was one of our favorite...
A Southeast Asian chopped salad bursting with exotic flavors. Sweet yet tart. My boyfriend was surprised when I duplicated this salad after we raved about...
The beautiful, sunny French island of St. Barth is known the world over as the gastronomic capital of the Caribbean. Here is my version of one of the tastiest...
Summer is here, the pool is open, and tourists are swarming the beach on Topsail Island. It's long past time to tell myself I need to look good in a swimsuit...
This is the tastiest shrimp salad without any guilt: only a trace of oil makes it perfect for serving any dieter. If you want to feel healthy, but enjoy...